1. Getting Started

Installing library & dependencies in Arduino IDE

Arduino IDE

Please download the Arduino IDE version 1.x from Arduino’s site →.

⚠ To use bitmaps please install Arduino IDE version 1.x, the File System uploader is incompatible with version 2.x.

ESP32 Board

  1. In the Arduino IDE, go to File > Preferences

  2. Find the Additional Board Manager URLs field to enter the following URL and click OK
  1. Open the Arduino IDE and go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager
  2. In the Boards Manager, search for ESP32 and install the ESP32 by Espressif Systems board.
  3. After the installation is complete, go to Tools > Board > ESP32 Arduino board and select the ESP32 Dev Module board to start working with your device. Library

  1. Install the latest version of library from the Arduino library manager by searching for Paperdink. The Arduino IDE will automatically install any necessary dependencies.
  2. To access the examples provided by the library, go to File > Examples > Paperdink.
  3. For more information about the examples and how to configure them, visit the GitHub page →

ESP32 Sketch Data Upload

  1. Some examples provided by the library require uploading bitmaps to the ESP32 flash storage.
  2. To learn how to do this, visit the following tutorial: Install ESP32 Filesystem Uploader Arduino IDE →.
  3. This tutorial will guide you through the process of installing the necessary tool and uploading data to the ESP32.

CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers (Windows/Mac)

If your computer is unable to recognize your device, you will need to install the CP210x driver. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Silicon Labs website and download the CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers from the top menu here →.
  2. Follow the instructions provided by the setup to install the driver on your computer.
  3. Once the driver is installed, your computer should be able to recognize and communicate with your device. A restart might be required.

Hello World

Create two files hello_world.ino and config.h in a folder called hello_world. The name of the folder and ino file should be the same.

The file named config.h merely sets the type of display you have:

#define PAPERDINK_DEVICE Paperdink_Classic
// #define PAPERDINK_DEVICE Paperdink_Merlot

The file hello_world.ino looks like this:

#include "config.h"
#include <Paperdink.h>

void setup() {
  /* Initialize device */

  /* Enable power to the display */

  /* Clear the background */

  /* By default the text is white and thus invisible, make it black */

  /* Start writing in the top left corner */
  Paperdink.epd.setCursor(0, 0);

  Paperdink.epd.print("Hello World!");

  /* Flush the buffer to the screen */

    For more functions available on the `epd` member see:

void loop() {}